Thursday, May 27, 2010

pessimistic much?

its exhausting you know?
crying shame.

trying to perfect every flaw you conceive.

all you aim for is the highest form of appreciation, but are repeatedly knocked down because of shenanigans. personal ones that is.

we are never satisfied - i wish i was.

i have nothing better to do then face my reflection and continue to pick each and every negative notion individually.


why do i feel this way? i come to this question every tragic night. "was i born a pessimist?" ive learned to believe i was, but i try to fight this. the grass is always greener on the other side and im stuck on this fork in the road. will you help me please? oh obnoxious mind of mine, why wont you back down to my heart? let me feel for once. i can gradually find bliss if you detach your shackles.

which way is the right way?

i have come to the conclusion i will continue to disappoint many souls including my own. i am unable to discover a solution to this pollution THUS FAR. the end is nigh, and my mind is far from its virtue.

-- xoxo ' hopeless.