Wednesday, April 28, 2010


guys like to believe they have their women exactly where they want them. as seen, after a guy has "won" a girl, they tend to take them for granted. guys think us females are as simple as they are. we have needs which are different from men.

we do not like to say everything. we want you to read between the lines and go that extra mile for us. if a guy says he doesnt want something, he probably doesnt. in our case, us girls would say no, but we honestly just want you to ask us a few more times before we say yes reluctantly.

we want to talk. we can never get enough of it. just by listening to us and giving your input, it shows us you really care. we liked to be heard, and know our opinions really matter. noone wants to be a trophy girlfriend.

we dont need as much space as guys.
we love to spend every second with our guy. we can never have enough of being held, caressed, basically being treated like a princess.

we love surprises.
we want to see the unexpected in our guy. just by randomly giving us a bouquet of flowers, followed by a wonderful dinner date, shows us how much you really care. it makes us feel wanted and loved.