Thursday, May 6, 2010


1. because i dont want to
2. i have insomnia
3. im painting my nails
4. i dont want to be alone with my thoughts and feelings
5. im on fb, blogger
6. i get back on fb, blogger after i have said goodnight
7. im waiting on an apology that wont come
8. i think theres something meaningful in staying up incredibly late, when theres not
9. i have nothing better to do at 3 am
10. i dont want my thoughts to turn into dreams, then turn into nightmares
11. theres no school tomorrow
12. i like to watch good shows on tv
13. im waiting for someone to call me
14. too many thoughts
15. "cause i aint dead yet"
16. im reading cosmo
17. im thinking too much
18. im afraid i might miss out on something that might change my life.
19. im addicted to the internet
20. im waiting for someone to talk to me first
21. im playing ps3
22. i cant stop listening to good music
23. i was forced into watching a scary movie
24. sleep is for losers
25. i have too much worries
26. who needs sleep?
27. cool people live in a totally different time zone. i stay up to catch them.
28. i sleep until midday, and now im not tired
29. im star-gazing
30. there are better things to do
31. i have no idea
32. im waiting for something/someone
33. sleep is boring
34. awake is the new sleep
35. im on the phone
36. the book im reading is so good i have to finish it
37. im hungry
38. im afraid of my unconscious mind
39. im afraid of the dark
40. theres too much noise
41. i dont want my dreams to be better than reality
42. because no matter how hard i try, my minds find somewhere else to be
43. there is not enough time in the world to sleep
44. tomorrow looks worst than today........

45. this is my one time to actually be alone while everyone sleeps.